Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to nVision's Blog

Welcome to the nVision Defense Blog where you're able to get creative tips, fresh ideas and insightful information on 3D real-time simulation technology trends, new serious game technology, web 2.0 development, e-marketing tips, military computer based training (CBT) tips, what's happening in the military serious game training industry from a small business perspective.

At nVision we are a small-based business located in Huntsville, AL that specialize in 3D Virtual Simulation Technology for today's DoD sustainment training & simulation market as well as OEM commercial applications.

Currently the Army is looking for new ways to cut their training budgets and get by with less; meaning how can they get more mileage for their training dollars and at the same time keep up with the demand for higher quality, faster and cheaper sustainment training solutions. There was a time in the not so distant past that the training systems development cost of such robust computer based training applications was a very cost-prohibitive proposition. Fast forward to today and you'll find that the serious game commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology platforms are much faster, cheaper (let's use the word "Cost Effective") and easily delivered over the web. Now, anyone can have access to high-quality, cost-effective training anywhere, anytime ("just-in-time" or "on-demand") via the internet. The playing field is getting more flat and highly competitive with each new technology up-grade or better yet, every new release. Which seems to be every other month these days. The large government contract corporations that have bought into reinvesting in their legacy training systems are finding themselves "Boxed In" and are unable to take advantage of; or leverage the hyper fast-paced new technology changes. Whereas companies like nVision Defense are able to turn on a dime with changes and modifications in the DoD requirements documents. Small, agile and flexible are the buzz words of today and don't forget to throw in that cost-effective factor and you have have the makings of a highly competitive training solution.

The current trends I foresee in the near as well as long-term of 3D interactive multimedia instruction (IMI) will be companies finding teaming opportunities with companies similar to nVision Defense that allows for quick turn-around response capabilities while at the same remaining highly competitive and budget conscious.


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